Artists of Scotland exhibition
A bit late to the party with sharing news of my recent Artists of Scotland exhibition, which sadly has now finished. It was a busy end to 2023, with having the exhibition on, all that that entailed, and still photographing a few artists for the overall portfolio.
The exhibition ran at Stallan Brand architecture and design gallery, near the River Clyde, here in Glasgow, through November and December and was well attended. Many thanks who made the effort to find the gallery and visit the show.
The exhibition is now finished by hopefully will be seen again in a different venue or two in the near future. Should it interest you as an exhibition for showing, please do get in touch.
On show were 45 portraits of the Artists of Scotland, taken from the portfolio which now encompasses 120 portraits of the pre-eminent artists of our nation photographed within their studios. Not only do we meet the artists, but we also get a glimpse into their artistic mindset, their sometimes very private studios and workflows. I've said it before, but being a photographer and meeting people is a privilege, and so it has been with all these portraits of artists. As well as being thoroughly inspiring.
There's was also a 5-min film interview with me (below), filmed by colleague John Devlin, for The Scotsman, and I talked about the show on BBC Radio Scotland.
Watch Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert discuss Artists of Scotland portrait portfolio.
And the exhibition was previewed in both The Scotsman and The Herald.
With many thanks to all who helped make the exhibition happen, to Pal and Solveig at Stallan Brand; Scottish Contemporary Art Network, Malcolm at Street Level Photoworks, and Greyfriars Artshop in Edinburgh. To all the artists on the walls and to all those artists who are part of the project, hopefully in the next showing of the work I can swop round all the portraits. And many thanks to all who visited the show.